Hypo Real Estate board breached German law, report saysDamning report suggests bank could have avoided near-collapseMon Sept 09 2013 - 01:00
Germany’s working poor put Merkel on the defensiveGrowing low-wage economy sparks election minimum wage promisesSat Sept 07 2013 - 01:00
Sony vows new innovations to overtake tech rivalsNew CEO promises to foster a culture of risk-taking to shake off years of complacencyFri Sept 06 2013 - 01:33
SPD attacks Angela Merkel over ‘unreliable’ crisis remarkCDU warns a Merkel election victory is far from certainThu Sept 05 2013 - 22:57
Folksy Merkel long on caring but short on detailThe German chancellor is having a hard time explaining party opposition to the minimum wageThu Sept 05 2013 - 01:00
Samsung’s duel with Sony steals IFA showJapanese giant goes head to head with its Korean rival at the world’s biggest consumer electronics showThu Sept 05 2013 - 01:00
Samsung unveils Galaxy Gear smartwatch in BerlinStainless steel watch allows users to make and receive hands-free calls and check textsWed Sept 04 2013 - 19:05
Irish Dairy Board marks 40 years of buttering up GermanyWith a 16.8 per cent market share, Kerrygold is the undisputed leader in the premium butter marketWed Sept 04 2013 - 01:01
First chancellor Konrad Adenauer the father of modern German politicsAdenauer wanted a rebuilt Germany to strive for European unity and reconciliationWed Sept 04 2013 - 01:00
Ex-SS man tried in Germany over 1944 killingThe 92-year-old defendant denies involvement, 70 years onTue Sept 03 2013 - 01:01
The wildcards of Germany’s general electionDespite predictions of a third Merkel term, the most closely watched German election in decades is also the most uncertainTue Sept 03 2013 - 01:01
Rival accuses Angela Merkel of ‘deadly dose’ of austerityGerman election race hots up in television debate as chancellor suggests she is safe choiceMon Sept 02 2013 - 01:00
Zurich confirms suicide note of finance chiefSwiss paper reports that Wauthier said he was under pressure for poor financial resultsSat Aug 31 2013 - 01:00
Bid to unseat Merkel gaining momentum - SteinbrückOpposition candidate in Germany’s election unveils plans to reduce gap between rich and poorFri Aug 30 2013 - 01:00
Depfa was ‘final nail in coffin’ of Hypo Real EstateNew light cast on dramatic events of five years agoFri Aug 30 2013 - 01:00
Near-collapse of German bank and its Irish subsidiary shrouded in mysteryThe name of the bank that broke Ireland might not have been Anglo Irish Bank, but Depfa – to the tune of around €130bn and risingFri Aug 30 2013 - 01:00
Election posters push a Merkel referendumChancellor stars as poster girl even in campaigns of rivalsWed Aug 28 2013 - 01:00
SPD leader critical of Angela Merkel over euro crisis‘I always said early on that Germany will have to pay for European stability,’ says challenger Peer SteinbrückTue Aug 27 2013 - 01:06
‘Der Spiegel’ report claims NSA spied on United NationsAlleged widespread surveillance of communications is codenamed ‘Blarney’Mon Aug 26 2013 - 01:00
HRE plans auction sale of Dublin-based Depfa BankOffloading Dublin subsidiary seen as crucial step to allow HRE reprivatisationMon Aug 26 2013 - 01:00
Steinbrück gets unintended Stasi boostEast German secret police kept file on Merkel challenger, apparently intending to recruit him as informerSat Aug 24 2013 - 01:00
Neo-Nazi murder inquiry criticises institutional incompetenceBudnestag publishes 1,000-page into neo-Nazi gang’s seven-year murder campaignFri Aug 23 2013 - 01:02
German election: don’t mention the euro crisisThere has been little talk of economic and European issues in the campaignFri Aug 23 2013 - 01:00
Merkel criticised over Dachau concentration camp visitGerman chancellor’s tour of camp where more than 41,000 were murdered followed by election rally in beer tent described as ‘tasteless’Wed Aug 21 2013 - 01:01
German Greens on campaign trail criticise Irish corporate tax regimeCoalition option with Angela Merkel not ruled out after shift on nuclear issueTue Aug 20 2013 - 01:00
Merkel open to second grand coalition with SPDGerman chancellor predicts federal election will be ‘very, very tight’Mon Aug 19 2013 - 01:00
In Germany, coalition-building is the norm, even between eternal party rivalsOpinion: ‘Grand coalitions’ have advantages, but don’t always tackle difficult issuesSun Aug 18 2013 - 00:01
Angela Merkel: A Chancellorship Forged in Crisis, by Alan Crawford and Tony CzuckaReviewed by Derek ScallySat Aug 17 2013 - 01:00
Angela Merkel launches re-election campaign with warning on European debt addictionChancellor says instability likely unless she secures third termFri Aug 16 2013 - 01:00
Shadow looms over plan to export solar power from Sahara to EuropeThe Desertec project has cooled following a split over when to begin sending natural energy from Africa to EuropeFri Aug 16 2013 - 01:00
Ireland was forced into bailout, say German EuroscepticsAlternative for Germany launches election campaign saying France should leave euroThu Aug 15 2013 - 01:00
The gradual greening of two German giantsSince their launch, Aldi and Lidl have slowly adapted to Irish marketWed Aug 14 2013 - 01:00
Austrian anti-Facebook campaigner critical of Irish DPC’s positionGroup complained that company collected more data on users than it admittedWed Aug 14 2013 - 01:00
The man in Portarlington who protects people’s dataDiffering European approaches pose challenges for data commissionerWed Aug 14 2013 - 01:00
Leak points to third bailout for GreeceMerkel under pressure pre-election after reports that Greece will need further aidMon Aug 12 2013 - 01:00
The diplomat who kept the Irish flag flying in BerlinDan Mulhall’s term as Ambassador to Germany saw dramatic changes in the countries’ relationshipSat Aug 10 2013 - 01:00
German parties help email users to keep it crypticRequests for email encryption rise as leading US provider Lavabit closes down following claim of NSA request for dataSat Aug 10 2013 - 01:00
SPD on back foot over fresh NSA claimsMerkel challenger denies his party opened the door to surveillance a decade agoFri Aug 09 2013 - 01:00
Saga of German publisher stranger than fictionPublisher of Joyce and Beckett, loved for its iconic spines, is fighting for its lifeThu Aug 08 2013 - 01:01
Bonn urged sport agencies to give West German athletes drugs, claims reportResearchers collated and analysed catalogue of performance enhancing drugsMon Aug 05 2013 - 01:02
Boardroom battle sees exit of Siemens chiefIndustrial giant appoints CFO to top jobThu Aug 01 2013 - 01:01
Draghi favours publication of ECB minutesMove would add transparency to interest rate decisions in FrankfurtThu Aug 01 2013 - 01:01
Childcare deadline looms in GermanyLegal right to day-care in land of kindergarten to boost birthrate – and economyWed Jul 31 2013 - 01:00
Swimming against the tide in HamburgDie Zeit weekly is gaining readers with an up-market offering that marries serious and up-market popular journalismTue Jul 30 2013 - 01:00
US spying endangers democracy, says German presidentJoachim Gauck suggests Edward Snowden ‘deserves respect’ for NSA revelationsSat Jul 27 2013 - 01:13
Wagner bicentennial festival hits sour note at BayreuthComposer’s descendants struggle to mollify aggrieved directorSat Jul 27 2013 - 01:00
Berlin denies go-slow on EU bank wind-up talksReports claim German finance ministry is planning to stall plan until new European Commission is chosen next yearSat Jul 27 2013 - 01:00
The colourful new face of WarsawWarsaw has a cheery new face but has not forgotten its dark history, making it a fascinating capital of many layersSat Jul 27 2013 - 01:00
Irish privacy watchdog dismisses security agency complaintData-sharing with US intelligence not a breach of EU privacy laws, Data Protection Commissioner rulesFri Jul 26 2013 - 01:00
Merkel aide questioned over US spyingChancellor’s chief-of-staff insists German intelligence services operate within the lawFri Jul 26 2013 - 01:00