Wasting PPE and other Covid expenses

A chara, – It didn't surprise me to read that the HSE has lost money on personal protective equipment (PPE) and other Covid expenses in the last year ("HSE has €42.5m bad debt ventilator provision", July 5th).

Some of it was likely unavoidable, but some money may still be wasted.

Upon arrival at a Covid-19 test centre last week I was handed a Ziploc bag containing two disposable masks for the two adults in the car. So far, so good. Suddenly, a box of 50 disposable masks was also thrust into my hand with no explanation. I didn’t need or want them, but as a potential Covid case (we were all thankfully negative) now holding them, I couldn’t hand them back.

This box of masks remains unopened as I am lucky to be working at home and don’t need a huge supply of masks.


Surely the HSE could have saved a few euro and given these masks to someone who really needed them. Or maybe I should should consider myself fully equipped for the next pandemic. – Is mise,

