Vaccine’s forgotten 50s

Sir, – As a person still awaiting my second vaccine nearly seven weeks after my first, I find the lack of urgency incomprehensible.

Why has a 24-hour facility to receive the second vaccine not been put in place?

Many doctors and nurses are well used to shift work and given the urgency, I am sure few would baulk at any time slot provided, even for the less protective AstraZeneca which we are being forced to accept.

– Yours, etc,




Co Cork.

Sir, – Those who got the AstraZenea vaccine in the 50-59 age group are now being told when they phone the HSE helpline that their next shot has been put back from 12 to 16 weeks, not brought forward to eight or even four weeks as stated online and in the media by our Government representatives.

In my case, I am told that it will be mid-September before I am fully vaccinated so am still in isolation while around me all the younger groups are socialising, partying and a lot are abroad after Leaving Cert holidays. Our local pharmacy is booked out, giving one-shot vaccines to the over 18s, but I am told I am not eligible and must just wait!

Why are the more vulnerable age groups being put to the back of the queue?

– Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.