Public transport – vision and reality

Sir, – As noted by Jennifer O'Connell, "Eamon Ryan's utopian vision of people being able to get everywhere they need via public transport contains the assumption that everyone lives just like you" (Opinion & Analysis, October 9th).

I live in Carrick on Shannon and feel lucky that transport to Dublin is good. However, to reach Galway, Ennis, the southwest or Limerick, etc, via public transport necessitates first going to Dublin in the east and continuing, after changes, to the southwest. In the case of Galway, one must first go to Athlone or Sligo to continue to the city where all the cancer patients go for their treatment, etc, leading to hardship, high petrol costs and often partners losing a work day. So much for facilitating working from home and encouraging growth in rural areas. There is little in Budget 2022 that addresses this. – Is mise,


Carrick on Shannon,


Co Leitrim.