Frost and the NI Protocol

Sir, – According to Lord Frost, Britain cannot accept Court of Justice of the European Union oversight "because trade arrangements operated within one part of the United Kingdom" should not be "ultimately overseen outside of it" ("UK's protocol demands dismissed as 'ground covered a million times before'", News, October 11th).

Really? The UK has signed numerous international trade deals, and is negotiating several more, including ones with the US and with Australia. Many of those deals contain investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) procedures. An ISDS procedure is an offshore court which oversees domestic trading arrangements. Usually, the authority of the domestic court is ousted. I’m unaware of Lord Frost, or, indeed, any Brexiter, expressing any material reservations about such an obvious usurpation of national sovereignty.

The EU should call his bluff on this one. – Yours, etc,




Co Tyrone.

Sir, – The speeches by Lord Frost criticising the Northern Ireland Protocol, which he himself helped to negotiate, will at least have one good effect.

All of the countries of the EU will through them acquire the understanding, that we Irish have acquired over centuries, that the British ruling class is not to be trusted.

It is unfortunate that the University of Oxford, so highly ranked globally, does not seem to confer intellectual integrity on its graduates – at least judging from the behaviour of its alumni in the British cabinet. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 5.