Teacher denied South Korean job due to Irish ‘alcoholism’

Agency told her client does not employ ‘your kind’ due to their ‘alcoholism nature’

Irish teacher Katie Mulrennan was refused a job in Seoul, South Korea due to the “alcoholism nature” of the Irish. Photograph: Bloomberg
Irish teacher Katie Mulrennan was refused a job in Seoul, South Korea due to the “alcoholism nature” of the Irish. Photograph: Bloomberg

A teacher was turned down for a job in South Korea because of the "alcoholism nature" of her "kind", referring to the Irish.

Katie Mulrennan (26), from Co Kerry, said she was bemused and angered by the email she received from an employment agency regarding the post in Seoul.

When she applied for the position advertised through Craigslist in September, she received a frank response reflecting a negative view of Ireland’s relationship with alcohol.

In the email, the agency told her: “I am sorry to tell you that my client does not hire Irish people due to the alcoholism nature of your kind. Best of luck in future.”


That's despite World Health Organisation figures that show South Korea consume more alcohol per head of capita than Ireland.

Ms Mulrennan has been teaching English for over three years in Barcelona, Oxford, Abu Dhabi and South Korea.

She told the BBC that usually a lack of interest from an employer is demonstrated by a non-response, or a preference for someone with an American accent.

“But this reply was a first. When I got the email, it was so abrupt and short. I actually laughed when I read it initially,” she said.

“But then I wanted to write back a really angry response. In the end I took a deep breath and sent back a reply that was a little bit sarcastic as I couldn’t believe the email I had received. But I haven’t heard anything back since.”

Ms Mulrennan did not know who the employer was as the details had not been listed but has reported the incident to Craigslist.

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times