Lyonnaise salad

Lyonnaise salad
Serves: 4
Course: Salads
Cooking Time: 0 hr 15 mins


  • Serves 4
  •  Bacon lardons
  • 2 shallots, thinly sliced
  • 120ml apple cider or red wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ½ tsp Dijon mustard
  • Frisée or other bitter salad leaves, torn into bite-size pieces
  • Black pepper
  • 4-8 eggs, as fresh as possible
  • Crusty white bread or croutons

1 Fry the bacon lardons in a pan over a high heat till crispy and the fat is rendered.

2 After five minutes, add the finely sliced shallots and fry for two minutes until softened.

3 Remove the pan from the heat and add the vinegar, stir well ensuring any crispy bits are loosened. Add the honey, black pepper and Dijon mustard. Taste the dressing and add a little more vinegar or add some olive oil depending on how balanced the flavour is. The amount of fat rendered varies depending on what bacon lardons are used. Set aside.

4 To poach the eggs, bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Crack each egg into a cup before adding it to the water. Remove the pan from the heat and swirl the water with a wooden spoon. Carefully pour in the egg. I only ever cook four at a time so don't overcrowd the pan and cook them in batches. Leave the egg to cook off the heat for 3 minutes until the whites are set.

Pour the bacon, shallots and dressing over the salad leaves. Mix well and divide between four bowls. Remove the eggs from the water using a slotted spoon, remove as much water as possible and gently place an egg or two on each salad. Serve right away with crusty bread or scatter with croutons.

Lilly Higgins

Lilly Higgins

Lilly Higgins, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a food writer