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It appears "increasingly unlikely" that Irish viewers will get to see live television coverage of the Republic of Ireland's Euro…

It appears "increasingly unlikely" that Irish viewers will get to see live television coverage of the Republic of Ireland's Euro 2000 return leg in Bursa tomorrow, as RTE and the BBC have all but given up hope of concluding negotiations with the Turkish television channel Star TV.

There was no indication at close of business yesterday on whether Star TV were willing to reduce their $3 million asking price for the rights to the game.

"It's been very awkward for us," said a spokesperson for the RTE sports department. "We've tried phone calls, faxes and e-mails, but at the moment we can't see any resolution."

Saturday's game on Network 2 was watched by an estimated 750,000 - 45 per cent of the viewing audience - one indication of the huge interest in the game. There will, however, be live commentary on RTE Radio 1.


The BBC were also awaiting a response to their "reasonable offer". "It looks a no-go situation as far as we are concerned," said a BBC spokesperson in London.

Ian O'Riordan

Ian O'Riordan

Ian O'Riordan is an Irish Times sports journalist writing on athletics