Strong Cork challenge for prestigious title

Defending champions Tom Fitzpatrick and David McHugh are back on the water off Crosshaven this weekend aiming for a hat-trick…

Defending champions Tom Fitzpatrick and David McHugh are back on the water off Crosshaven this weekend aiming for a hat-trick of wins in a 52-year old competition billed as the most prestigious in Irish sailing. The reformatted version of the ISA's Eagle Star champion of champions competition starts tomorrow morning at the Royal Cork YC at 9.30 in 1720 sportsboats.

Cork harbour has put up its own strong challenge for the title with three contenders including the 1720 National and European champions Maurice O'Connell and Mark Mansfield respectively.

If Fitzpatrick can notch up a fourth win - he has won it previously in 1994, 1997 and 1998 - there is a long standing rumour that a hat-trick winner gets to keep the salver that has an engraved winners list that reads like a who's-who of Irish yachting.

Twenty-five helms have been selected for the repechage elimination races initially devised to sail in two equal fleets of 12, but now with one of 13 following this week's late entry of the Wayfarer champion, Tom Molloy.


The unbalanced elimination fleets are sure to raise an eyebrow at tomorrow's briefing given that the inclusion of one more sailor could equalise the fleets. At least worthy of consideration for inclusion is Cork's own Nicholas O'Leary, the ISA's junior champion, who had expectations of an invitation but was ruled out by organisers.

Regardless of the odd-numbered line-up, the Crosshaven club is set to benefit from hosting the champion of champions event in their own club sportsboat, especially with the biggest fleet ever assembled for the competition.

The full line-up of competitors is: Tom Fitzpatrick and David McHugh (holders), Peter Byrne and Christopher Shackleton (Squib), Derek Joyce and Roger Bannon (Mermaid), David Dickson and Anna Leech (SOD), Sean Craig and Andrew Algeo (Enterprise), Michael Ferguson and Jeremy Tomalin (Laser II), Damian Bracken and Allen Parker (GP 14), Simon Brien and Michael Cotter (Dragon), Matt Treadwell and Martin Treadwell (Fireball), Paul Flynn and Eoin Meade (Cruiser III), Maurice O'Connell and David Harte (1720), Bryan Maguire and Allan O'Connor (J24), Bill O'Hara and Felix Coleman (Laser), Dermot McHugh and Julianna O'Halloran (multihull), Neil Spain and David Crosbie (420); Justin Burke and Alan Green (FF15), Derek Mitchell and Robert Rigby Jones (Ruffian), Frank Miller and Clare Sheil (IDRA14), Pete O'Leary and Roy Darrer (National 18), Peter Kelly and Frank Desmond (Albacore), Tom Molloy and Noel Butler (Wayfarer class), Maria Coleman (Olympic nominee), Anthony O'Leary (wild card), Mark Mansfield (1720 Euro champion), James Heinz (wild card), Martin Moloney (Mirror world champion), Dave Rose (wild card), Gerbil Owens (Laser II National champion), Max Treacy (wild card).

The UCD team moved into second overall, behind England's representatives, after winning yesterday's offshore race of the Student Yachting World Cup at Cherbourg.

David O'Brien

David O'Brien

David O'Brien, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a former world Fireball sailing champion and represented Ireland in the Star keelboat at the 2000 Olympics