Michael Conlan: ‘AIBA are cheats, f**king cheats, as simple as that’

World champion dominates quarter-final but Russian Vladimir Nikitin gets unanimous decision

Michael Conlan reacts to his 56kg bantam loss to Russian Vladamir Nikitin. The interview with RTE post-match shows his frustration and claims of corruption. Video: RTE

World champion Michael Conlan slammed the world amateur boxing association (AIBA) after the credibility of the Olympic boxing tournament was brought into question again after the Irish bantamweight suffered a unanimous defeat to Russia's Vladimir Nikitin in Tuesday's quarter-final in Rio.

Conlan threw his hands in the air after dominating the three-round bout only to lose both the first and third rounds according to all three judges.

Conlan then left the ring and took no prisoners when it came to describing his feelings on the outcome of the fight.

“AIBA are cheats. F**king cheats. As simple as that. That’s me, I’ll never box for AIBA again. They’re cheating bastards, they’re paying everybody,” said Conlan in an interview with RTE after the fight.


“I was here to win Olympic gold. My dreams been shattered now. You know what, I’ve a big career ahead of me. And these ones (AIBA)? They’ve always been cheats. Amateur boxing stinks. From the core right to the top.

“It’s like Katie (Taylor) yesterday, No way she lost that fight. It was a close fight, but she didn’t lose.

“I thought I boxed the ears off him in the first round, but they scored it against me. So I had to fight his fight, which I did, outfought him. It’s a shambles to be honest.

“I’m gutted, from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to go back with a gold medal to Ireland. Now I feel I’m going back a loser. I’m not a loser, I’m a winner. Today just showed how corrupt this organisation is.”