MIDLAND lakes and rivers are set to benefit from a €50,000 fisheries fund announced by the Minister of State for Natural Resources, Joe McHugh. The fund, introduced by Inland Fisheries Ireland, is derived from angler contributions set aside from the permit income scheme.
Projects to benefit include the installation of fishing stands, upgrading accessibility to fisheries and a concerted effort to tackle invasive species. Work is due to commence shortly on Loughs Sheelin, Glore, Ennell, Derravaragh and the River Suck.
“It is money raised through purchase of the permit that facilitates a funding injection back into the catchments, increasing revenues to communities and creating jobs,” the Minister said.

Rain brings fish
Ballynahinch got some much- anticipated rain on Thursday and much to their delight, it brought some fresh fish. Kevin Thompson caught his first salmon on the fly and Micheal Von Murick found success on an old traditional fly known as the Lemon and Grey. Niall Greene from Salmon Watch Ireland caught two salmon, one of 8lbs which he released. Call 095-31006.
Big week on Inagh
Lough Inagh produced its best week of the season with 45 sea trout, nine salmon, two char and 20 brown trout. Lyndsey Teague from Northern Ireland caught the heaviest sea trout of 4lb on a small Willie Gunn. Green flies took the majority of fish. For bookings, contact Inagh Lodge at 095-34706.
Good fishing reported
Costello and Fermoyle manager Terry Gallagher says despite minimal rainfall since June, fishing was good with the usual mix of productive and slow days. The average size of sea trout has improved with more fish of 1.5 to 2lbs caught this year, he said. The following is a selection of catches. Eamon O’Brien put in a lot of effort during July and August on Glenicmurrin Lough and was rewarded with 109 sea trout, best 2lbs. Eamon also took a grilse from the Cabbage Pool on River Beat 1.
The Collins family were not disappointed to catch 10 sea trout on Glenicmurrin and 11 sea trout the next day on Fermoyle Lough. But it was Peter Westwater who had the best day so far on Glenicmurrin landing 19 sea trout, best 2lbs. Finally, Padraig McDonagh, in very low water conditions, managed to tease out a grilse and 2lb sea trout.
Water levels are still low at Costello but with substantial rain forecast the fishing is expected to really come alive. Contact 091-572 196/087-239 9988 or terrygal7@gmail.com.
A series of talks on the
, will be held during Fingal Heritage Week in public libraries beginning tonight in Rush (Mon. 25th), Donabate/ Portrane (Tues. 26th), Malahide (Wed. 27th) and Baldoyle (Thurs. 28th).
All talks are free and commence at 6.30pm. Booking is advisable. Call 01-870 8464.
Dream Calendar
If you are interested in stocking or buying the famous Fly Fishing Dreams Calendar for the year 2015, contact davidlambroughton@telus.net or see David’s gallery of images on davidlambroughton.com.
Garadice Lake competition
The Ncffi Junior All-Ireland Championships will take place this Saturday on Garadice Lake,
, Co Leitrim, co-hosted by Lakelands AC. Entry is €10 and parental guidance is allowed. The peg draw at scouts den on Enniskillen Road begins at 9am. Call 086-343 3178.
On Sunday, Garadice is the venue for the Inter-Provincial Championships with teams from Connacht, Leinster and Ulster competing for the title.
Broadhaven Bay
Results of Belmullet SAC and Broadhaven Bay Hotel 43rd Open Boat Competition: 1, P Ruddy; 2, G Donnian; 3, A Matterson. Best junior and lady: Pippa McEleavy (Northern Ireland).
Super trout on Lough Bane
Lough Bane anglers held an evening competition last week during which some super trout were caught. Martin Augney took rod with two fish each over 4lb, Pat Farrelly came second and Conor Murray took third place.