Podcast: Report from Ios amid ‘shock and trauma’ among Irish teenagers following deaths

Jack Power reports from the Greek island where Max Wall and Andrew O’Donnell died

Listen | 14:48
Flowers laid at the site of the rocky hill where it is believed Andrew O’Donnell fell and died on the Greek island of Ios. Photograph: Jack Power

Hundreds of Irish teenagers are on the Greek island of Ios on a holiday intended to mark the end of their Leaving Certificate exams.

Following the tragic deaths at the weekend of Andrew O’Donnell and Max Wall, both 18 and students of St Michael’s College in Dublin, the mood on the party island is sombre, with many students trying to come home early.

Gardaí have been dispatched to Ios to aid in the investigations into the deaths.

On today’s In the News podcast Irish Times reporter Jack Power reports from Ios.


Presented by Bernice Harrison. Produced by Suzanne Brennan.

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison is an Irish Times journalist and cohost of In the News podcast