Robots and students

Sir, – I write in response to the comments by Andreas Schleicher, the head of education with the OECD (Carl O'Brien, "Irish schools need to modernise '20th-century' approach to learning", Education, March 22nd).

We must, apparently, be careful not to produce “second-class robots” from our education system.

Has someone been sent to warn the pharmaceutical, financial and major IT multinational organisations based in this country employing many Irish-educated staff?

Furthermore, can I allay Mr Schleicher’s fears regarding Irish students’ ability to “think outside the box” and invite him to visit the BT Young Scientist competition?


On an annual basis he could witness cutting-edge technological and scientific thought, research, experimentation and design on display.

If he is lucky, he may even see some robots! – Yours, etc,


School Chaplain,

Castlerea, Co Roscommon.