Remembering Ann Louise Gilligan

Sir, – Una Mullally perfectly captures the spirit of Ann Louise Gilligan ("In praise of Ann Louise Gilligan", Opinion & Analysis, June 19th).

One aspect of her vast contribution to Irish society that has been overlooked was her commitment as a trade unionist.

Ann Louise was a former vice-chairwoman of the ICTU Women’s Committee and, as a member of the Irish Federation of University Teachers, she rightly took pride in the work of that union’s equality committee. Her trade unionism was an important part of her battle for equality.

When Ann Louise spoke at a Pride parade in Limerick before the marriage equality referendum, she delivered a stirring speech in which she acknowledge the community response to the gangland evil which had stalked the city, paid tribute to how the city had united to face down the gangs and urged her audience to fight for equality with the same degree of determination.


“Holistic” is a much-overused word but it describes well the vision of a woman who will be greatly missed. – Yours, etc,


Irish Secretary,

National Union

of Journalists, Dublin 1.