Second thoughts from Trump supporter

Sir, – I and many of my friends are beginning to wonder if we made the right decision electing Donald Trump. Let me get this straight. The special prosecutor is adding an additional 13 attorneys to augment the three existing attorneys on his staff to investigate President Trump, even though three investigations over the past year have turned up nothing.

Meanwhile, President Trump has yet to hire one special prosecutor to go after Hillary Clinton, let alone three more to investigate former attorneys general Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder and former president Barack Obama.

With all due respect, it’s about time he got off his rear end and showed the American people that he has a backbone instead of sitting there like a bump on a log.

Better still, why doesn’t he just resign so we get someone who will prosecute these people?


I and many of my friends are beginning to wonder if we made the right decision electing him to office. – Yours, etc,


