A public inconvenience

Sir, – I have just finished reading Rosita Boland's "Women need toilets more than men do. Why are there never enough?", Broadside, June 13th).

I couldn’t agree more. Any man who has been in the company of a woman at a music event knows how long the lady has to queue.

Although it could be worse. I read an article about five years ago about a group of Irish women who went on a holiday to China. One particular day they were on a bus tour. After several hours they stopped at a communal toilet for ladies. When they opened the door, they saw a large room with a series of holes in the floor. There was one woman using the toilet with a paper bag over her head. When she finished her business, she removed the paper bag, and as she left, she placed the bag on the table beside the door for someone else to use. It appeared that once you couldn’t see anyone else you were in a “private” zone. – Yours, etc,



Kingswood, Dublin 24.