Presbyterians and the LGBT community

Sir, – I was saddened to read the reports that the minister and council of Sandymount Presbyterian Church are being threatened with disciplinary action over the membership of a man in a same-sex marriage on the council ("Presbyterian Church threat over gay man sparks outrage", News, December 21st).

Rev Dr Katherine Meyer (minister of Sandymount church) is a former Presbyterian chaplain at Trinity College Dublin, where she displayed great integrity and pastoral skills while being one who would confront difficult situations with courage and honour.

I work with third-level students at on a daily basis. Most are uninterested in organised religion, which they perceive as irrelevant–at best quaint and at worst oppressive.

The situation in Sandymount reinforces this and has reduced the credibility of the Presbyterian Church immensely in the circumstances of working with young people in particular.


I remember vividly the sermons and prayers of the late Rev Dr Brian McConnell and the late Rev Dr Terence McCaughey. I do not hear this voice in the Presbyterian Church very often now, just attempts to silence ministers like Katherine Meyer.

I hope that the Presbyterian Church in Ireland can endeavour to embrace the inclusivity of Christ’s gospel.

It is very easy to hide behind legalistic formulae but perhaps more difficult to respond to Jesus’s words in John 13:34–5: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – Yours, etc,


(Precentor and

Director of Chapel Music

Trinity College Dublin),

Dublin 4.

Sir, – I am a subscribing Presbyterian member in Christ Church Rathgar for over 40 years and I would like to add a modest voice to express my disgust with the mock trial of Rev Dr Katherine Meyer. My views would be entirely in support of Prof Ruth Whelan's letter (December 21st).

The purge of LGBT members should be seen as an attack on civilised society.

May I add with revulsion that the Presbyterian Church authorities now forbid the family baptism of children of the LGBT community.

They quote narrowly from scripture as a basis for their indefensible behaviour but align themselves with bad company in so doing. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.