Masks in primary schools

Sir – I was utterly dismayed to read that the National Public Health Emergency Team will discuss masks for primary-school children next week.

Government guidelines on how to wear a mask includes, inter alia, the following: always wash your hands before putting on your face covering; avoid touching it while you are wearing it; if you accidently touch the front, wash your hands straight away.

These guidelines are there for good reason. Touching a germ-riddled mask with your hands is not a good idea.

Most adults are not capable of complying with these guidelines. I really don’t understand how Nphet might expect our young children to follow these guidelines over the course of a six- or seven-hour school day.


In addition to applying the science, in this particular instance I would urge Nphet (and the Government) to apply some cop on.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.