Make antigen testing useful

Sir, – The usefulness or uselessness of antigen tests continues to be opined. The repeated message that we might lose the run of ourselves following a negative antigen test and increase transmission as a result seems unlikely at this stage of the pandemic. A new repeated message from Government and all pundits, that we should ignore the results of negative antigen tests and act on any positive tests by isolating immediately might be very useful to a not so useless nation.

– Yours, etc,




Sir, School principal John McHugh (Letters, November 23rd) says teachers who are household close contacts have to restrict their movements until they have three negative antigen tests within five days. As I understand it, an antigen test may tell you that you have Covid but it will not definitively indicate you do not have Covid.

So what is the point of these antigen tests if the teacher has three negative tests but may in fact be asymptomatic and/or developing Covid?

Or am I misunderstanding the benefit of an antigen test other than that it is cheaper and quicker than the PCR test?

– Yours, etc,


Blackrock, Co Louth.

Sir, – I’m at that stage of the pandemic where I want to stand up on the top deck of the bus and exclaim “I don’t know what a lateral flow test is!”.

Hopefully this urge, along with the pandemic itself, will soon pass. – Yours, etc,


Clonsilla, Dublin 15.

Sir, – The Irish Times’ blithe reporting of mass Christmas party cancellations is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This is totally unfair to the hospitality industry as one company’s Christmas party is another person’s income. Alternatively, staff wishing to attend one should be encouraged to take an antigen test the day of the event and if negative go out and support the beleaguered pub and restaurant industry.

They rely on your spending for their income unlike Nphet who are paid from the public purse. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.