Joyce Tower and Museum

Sir, – I hope Mick Heaney won't mind me adding an important detail to his timeline on the "100 years of Ulysses" in his excellent article on January 4th.

In 1962, the Sandycove Tower, in which Joyce stayed briefly with Gogarty and which he celebrates in the first chapter of Ulysses, was opened as a Joyce museum by no less a figure than Sylvia Beach, who had published Ulysses in Paris in 1922.

The Friends of Joyce Tower Society, in collaboration with Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, will also be celebrating the centenary with a programme of events.

The highlight will be a performance of Geoffrey Molyneux Palmer’s musical settings of Joyce’s Chamber Music in the Pavilion Theatre on February 1st.


On Bloomsday we will also be celebrating 60 years of the Joyce Tower and Museum. – Yours, etc,



Friends of Joyce Tower,


Co Dublin.