Housing isn’t all about economics

Sir, – David McWilliams ( November 20th) asks readers to stop hiding behind faux housing arguments when objecting to new homes. Before long, however, we reach the core of his case: […] the solution to too few homes is more homes, irrespective of any extraneous issues around landlords, ownership, property ladders or individual wealth creation.

For him, the culprits are the denizens of “nimbyland”.

McWillams’ piece is unacceptable because it relies solely on economic aspects of housing which is only one component.

It should be read as a socio-economic treatise with the socio bits left out. In essence it is light touch regulation reborn. It denies the discipline of planning that is informed by the community context. Following that logic we would ultimately dispense with the democratically formed development plans we have in Ireland,


– Yours, etc,


Planning Consultant, Dublin 14;

SHANE O’TOOLE, Adjunct Associate Professor,

School of Architecture,