End Covid pessimism

Sir, – I spent a week on business in Sweden last week. There are no restrictions regarding Covid for residents. I went to hotels, restaurants, trade shows, sat on trains, in taxis and in offices with no mask wearing. There have been no restrictions for months. Nobody really is bothered or talks about it.

Their seven- day incidence of 52 is one of the lowest in Europe. Why? Who is talking about this successful model and how countries can emulate it? From my reading, very little.

There is much more coverage of the countries whose strategies are tanking, with an almost passion for pessimism.

The vaccines work at preventing widespread illness and death. They do not eliminate all risks for everyone. No vaccine does. Hospitals and their staff have limits, as do economies and people need to be what they have adapted to being – social animals.


The worst of the pandemic has run its course, so let’s change the conversation as this one has run its course also.

– Yours, etc,


