Checking Covid certs

Sir, – Like Ken Andrew (Letters, November 10th), I had a dispiriting experience at Dublin Airport arrivals hall last week. When waiting to meet a passenger I encountered numerous individuals and groups who were not wearing face masks. In the 40 minutes I was there, I did not see any DAA staff member to whom I could report my concerns.

Meanwhile, the hospitality sector argues that the HSE should be responsible for monitoring compliance with vaccine cert regulations.

It is strange that the two sectors (travel and hospitality) most affected by Covid lockdowns, and that were most vocal in lobbying for the ease of restrictions, appear reluctant to make the compliance checks needed to ensure further lockdowns won’t be necessary.

– Yours, etc,



Harold’s Cross,

Dublin 6W.

Sir, – I am delighted to see that after opening nightclubs and allowing full capacity at the Ireland-Portugal soccer match, the Governent is wisely telling people to keep their distance from one another.

I do wish the Opposition would stop whingeing about mixed messages.

– Yours, etc,


Louisburgh, Co Mayo.