Where is the coherent plan for Dublin?

Sir, – The chronic disconnect in our strategic vision for Dublin is underscored in two announcements this week, namely 1,600 cubicle apartments in Drumcondra and a proposed transport infrastructure programme for the city and its surrounds.

The first involves densification near the centre, whereas the second seems to focus on tinkering at the edges, as in extending Dart and Luas. Both perhaps worthy enough objectives, but both apparently decided in the absence of any master plan, any overarching vision, for the city as a whole. Just more piecemeal decisions, with two sectors apparently operating in parallel.

Fifty years ago, the need for a comprehensive, co-ordinated approach to planning resulted in a Dublin land use and transportation strategy published by the later dumped An Foras Forbartha. That strategy offered an integrated, cross-sectoral vision that embraced the idea that transport and land use/housing are two sides of the same coin, and must be planned and developed in tandem.

Whatever chances such rationality may have had then, it had none in an era of neoliberalism. Yet the issue raised in that 1971 report will not go away. It is only postponed.


The various sectoral interests now posing as stakeholders in Dublin operate at variance to the creation of both good planning and a co-ordinated strategic vision for the city and its region. Rather than have so many quasi-authorities, including An Bord Pleanála (who seemingly now increasingly over-ride local planners), being able to do their own thing, is it not desirable to give city planners and city planning a chance to work?

Either that or let’s have a Dublin city planning commission that has a seriously supported co-ordinating role.

– Yours, etc,


Glenageary, Co Dublin.