Date and location for meeting North Korea’s Kim are set – Trump

US president hints at progress in winning the release of three Americans held in North

All smiles: But a proper summit between North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and US president Donald Trump will require the thrashing out of hard issues. File photographs: KCNA/Lucas Jackson/Reuters

US president Donald Trump has said a date and location have been set for a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, which would be announced soon, and hinted at progress in winning the release of three Americans held in North Korea.

The White House has said the first meeting between sitting US and North Korean leaders could take place in the coming weeks. Mr Trump is expected to push for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons.

“We’re having very substantive talks with North Korea and a lot of things have already happened with respect to the (US) hostages. I think you’re going to see very good things,” Mr Trump told reporters.

Expectations over release

The US government is looking into reports that three Americans arrested in recent years in North Korea had recently been relocated from a labour camp to a hotel near Pyongyang, as expectations grow that they will be released before the summit.


Mr Trump said this week that the demilitarised zone, or DMZ, between North and South Korea would be an excellent venue for the planned summit, but that Singapore was also a possible site.

The Peace House at the DMZ was the venue for a meeting last month between Mr Kim and South Korean president Moon Jae-in.

Trump also told reporters on Friday that he was not considering reducing the US military’s presence in South Korea as part of the negotiations.

"Troops are not on the table," he said before a flight to Dallas, Texas, where he will address the National Rifle Association. – Reuters