Minister frustrated by clubs repeatedly submitting invalid sports grants applications

Ring says organisations are given reasons why original application is invalid

Michael Ring: said 38 per cent of applications were invalid and more than 2,000 applications were currently being processed

Minister of State for Sport Michael Ring has expressed his frustration at how clubs repeatedly submit invalid applications for sports grants.

He told the Dáil “it doesn’t make sense” and he could not understand why clubs and organisations “which received a letter explaining the reasons their applications were invalid have submitted further invalid applications in this round”.

Mr Ring said 38 per cent of applications were invalid and more than 2,000 applications were currently being processed.

He told Fine Gael TD Pat Deering the announcement about successful applicants "will not be made before the local elections".


Fine Gael TD Eoghan Murphy had asked about invalid applications and said some clubs had missed out on two rounds of funding. Mr Ring said his officials had made the process “as easy as possible” for applications.

'Fair crack of the whip'
"We do not want to penalise clubs and while we are not able to fund every club, I want all of them to have a fair crack of the whip."

He said despite being told the reason their applications were invalid, some clubs resubmitted invalid applications.

“Under the most recent round of the programme and unlike in previous rounds, not one invalid application was considered,” the Minister said.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times