Minister for Justice to publish second Garda reform report shortly

Fitzgerald tells Dáil ‘robust independent oversight’ essential to bringing change in force

The second Garda Inspectorate report on changing policing is to be published shortly by Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

The second Garda Inspectorate report on changing policing is to be published shortly by Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald.

Ms Fitzgerald told the Dáil on Tuesday she was studying its recommendations before publication.

She said there was an extensive programme of reform under way which was considering all aspects of the administration and operation of the Garda.

“Robust independent oversight is essential to ensuring that the reform programme is relentlessly pursued over the next five years,’’ said Ms Fitzgerald.


She said she had referred the 240 agreed recommendations to the Policing Authority to monitor and assess their implementation by the Garda and to report to her on progress made.

The Minister was replying to Fianna Fáil spokesman on justice Jim O'Callaghan who said excellent work had been done by the Garda Inspectorate and detailed in its 2015 report.

He said the implementation of many of the recommendations were the responsibility of Garda Commissioner Nóirín O’Sullivan.


However, they had to ensure there was another entity within the Garda or the Government that would ensure the recommendations were being implemented, he added.

“Unless we have that, there is no point in having many reports,’’ he said.

Ms Fitzgerald said monitoring was very important and she had no doubt the Policing Authority would robustly monitor the implementation of the recommendations made.

She said the Garda was not going to be able to implement the recommendations overnight.

“It is important that it is evident that recommendations are being taken seriously, implemented and moved forward, including key recommendations such as civilianisation, the Garda Reserve, and the continuation of the recruitment process,’’ Ms Fitzgerald added.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times