Fianna Fáil warns of ‘crisis’ if McNulty elected to Seanad

FF Senator demands Taoiseach come before House

Sen Denis O’Donovan: “The issue of a vacancy of a seat here is a matter for the Seanad.’’ Photograph: Aidan Crawley

A further attempt by Fianna Fáil to have Taoiseach Enda Kenny answer questions on the byelection controversy in the Seanad failed yesterday.

Denis O’Donovan (FF) asked what would happen if John McNulty was elected to the House by Government party members. “If he is it will create a serious crisis because he has already withdrawn from the race. Has the Taoiseach directed the members of his parliamentary party not to vote for him?’’

Mr O’Donovan said he was reiterating his demand that the Taoiseach, no one else, should come before the House to explain what had happened. “In a referendum last year this chamber was protected by the people. The issue of a vacancy of a seat here is a matter for the Seanad.’’

Flogging dead horse

Paul Coghlan (FG) said Mr O'Donovan was flogging a dead horse, adding that the Taoiseach and Minister for Arts Heather Humphreys had given full explanations.


Michael Mullins (FG) said it was very difficult to take what Mr O'Donovan had said seriously and see the Fianna Fáil party making a major issue of one board appointment.

Fianna Fáil, he added, was hammered in the 2011 election and had stuffed boards with supporters and cronies before leaving office.

Paschal Mooney (FF) said he was sorely tempted to respond in detail to Mr Mullins, but he would avoid the temptation other than to say he should google State appointments.

Martin Conway (FG) said he thought events of recent days "have maxed out, as it were''.

The Fianna Fáil proposal was defeated by 19 votes to 13.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times