Two psychiatrists retire from HSE with €400,000 lump sums

FOI figures show 15 staff left health service with payments of above €300,000 last year

Two consultant psychiatrists received pension lump sums last year from the HSE of more than €400,000, according to figures provided in response to a Freedom of Information request.

Two consultant psychiatrists received pension lump sums last year from the HSE of more than €400,000, according to figures provided in response to a Freedom of Information request.

They show that €106 million was paid out in lump sums last year by the HSE to retiring staff, down 5 per cent on 2019.

The highest sum, €412,038, went to a male consultant psychiatrist while a female consultant psychiatrist received €410,051. A further 13 consultants received lump sum payments of between €300,000 and €400,000.

Pensions for retired staff are a significant annual cost to the HSE, with €652.2 million in ongoing payments provided to 41,989 retired staff last year, up from €635 million in 2019.


Separate figures from the Department of Justice show that two senior gardaí received lump sum payments last year of more than €200,000. One retiring senior member received €212,595, while a second received €210,989.

Twelve other outgoing members received lump sums of between €150,000 and €200,000 as the force paid out a total of €27 million in pension lump sums last year to some 250 retiring members.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times