Revenue warns of email and text message scam

Revenue Commissioners says it did not send messages seeking personal information

The Revenue Commissioners have warned of a new scam in which emails and text messages are sent to individuals in an attempt to get them to hand over personal information. File photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Revenue Commissioners has warned of a new scam in which emails and text messages are sent to individuals in an attempt to get them to hand over personal information.

Revenue said it had this week become aware of fraudulent emails and text messages purporting to be from Revenue.

The messages ask for personal information in connection with a tax refund or for credit and debit card details.

“These emails and text messages did not issue from Revenue,” it said.


The tax body said it never sends messages which require customers to send personal information via email, text or pop-up windows.

“Anyone who receives an email or text message purporting to be from Revenue and suspects it to be fraudulent or a scam should simply delete it.

“Anyone who is actually awaiting a tax refund should contact their local Revenue office to check its status.”


Revenue urged anyone who supplied personal information after receiving the fraudulent emails or text messages to contact their bank or credit card company immediately.

It had also warned of similar “phishing” attacks in August.