Riverside Retreat
In a quiet spot in the heart of Galway City, Corrib House and Tea Rooms is a hidden gem, adored by devotees who tend to prefer not to spread the word too widely. With just a handful of rooms, and a divine breakfast, it's a lovely spot for a city break that still manages to be tranquil and charming. Closing on December 23th until late January for the winter break, there's still time for a trip out west. And if you can't snag a room this side of 2022, they also do all-day brunch from Tuesdays to Saturdays. Yum. Rooms from €120. corribhouse.com

Chateau Cool
Relais & Chateau is so elite it includes the Cashel Palace, which isn't even open yet (it's still in the thick of it's squillion euro makeover). The group is actually an association of luxury independent hotels, restaurants and villas around the world, and they've just welcomed Connemara's Ballynahinch Castle as their newest member. Ballynahinch joins Cashel, Marlfield House, Ballyfin, and two Kenmare hotels – the Park and Sheen Falls. Celebrate at Ballynahinch with two nights B&B and one dinner for bookings from now until the end of April 2022 from €290 per person. ballynahinchcastle.com
Dreams of Leaving
Now that international travel is on the agenda again for some, we're back to that conundrum – do you get up before bedtime to make it to the airport for an early flight, or do you sleepover on site? No, we're not talking about collapsing en famille somewhere behind the check-in desks, but instead about booking an airport hotel. Cork's International is quite cool (corkinternationalairporthotel.com), and since last summer, Dublin's newest – the Airport Holiday Inn aims to beguile with the whiff of old-fashioned airport glamour. So if 1950s Americana, plus a 24 hour Starbucks are your thing, you might just make it your ultimate destination? All the fun of the airport, without the trouble of a flight… From €99 per room. holidayinn.com/dublinairport

Chill out in Wexford
Whites of Wexford is an institution. They also have a very nice spa and a 20-metre pool. Coming up to Christmas, their Treasure Wexford package includes B&B, a snipe of bubbly and chocolates as an in-room welcome, use of the pool, and a €20 voucher to spend in the town's nice shops. €129 per room. Or if shopping leaves you cold, try the Total Tranquillity Spa option that includes an hour in the thermal suite, and then loads of pummelling and pampering by expert aromatherapy-infused hands from €277 (price per room). B&B only from €99. www.claytonwhiteshotel.com