What’s making you happy? Feeding men, silage sounds and eating rhubarb

We asked what was making you #IrishTimesHappy – here’s what you said

Rhubarb tart. Photo: David Sleator

What is making you happy? Tell us by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or using #IrishTimesHappy on Twitter. This week’s answers are below:

Amazingly, what’s making me happy is filling the tums of the silage men, [with] ham, jam and fresh scones. Something quite satisfying about it. Plus, winter silage under wraps. I know I’m putting the women’s movement back 50 years but it makes me happy. And why not! – Anne @galinwellies

Sitting outdoors reading with the sounds of silage being cut and birds twittering away in the background. Cuckoo making a contribution every now and then too. Bliss. Can someone get me a G&T? – Ursula @ursulacurtin

Eating rhubarb from a friend’s garden – a treat I could never find in Italy - Emma