What’s making you happy? Countdown to holliers, memories of dad and bullfinches

Here’s what is making readers #IrishTimesHappy this week

Getting out of dodge in a camper van makes one reader #IrishTimesHappy Photograph: istock

Each week we ask what’s making Irish Times readers happy.

You can join in by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweeting using #IrishTimesHappy. Here is a selection of the responses this week

Counting down to my holliers. I couldn’t be happier not to be getting on a plane and instead leaving Dublin by camper van which I’ll be pointing in a westerly direction – John

It has made me happy to be part of the fantastic committee who are organising Carlow’s first ever Pride Parade and Rainbow Family Festival on Sunday, July 21st. We are so grateful for all the wonderful support we have received, from organisations, businesses and the general public! Inclusivity is our motto – Sally


Watching a pair of beautiful bullfinchs drinking from my birdbath – Carmel

Thinking about my Dad Frank this week, it’s 17 years since he passed away. He was a wonderful husband and dad. We had many happy times – Aoibhin

Thanks so much for the opportunity to look for and focus on things that make us happy. I would love to see it in a corner on the front cover of The Irish Times.

So uplifting. So much to be grateful for – Ann