A Galaxie of rock stars and a Meteor shower of song

THE SOCIAL NETWORK: Michael Pope of Le Galaxie was delighted that his band had made it on to the shortlist for the Meteor Choice…

Michelle Farrell, Philip McGauran and Dee Currid at the Meteor Music Prize event in Dame Lane. photograph: robbie reynolds

THE SOCIAL NETWORK:Michael Pope of Le Galaxie was delighted that his band had made it on to the shortlist for the Meteor Choice Music Prize Irish Song of the Year 2012, which was announced at 4 Dame Lane on Wednesday evening. Le Galaxie's Love System has been shortlisted. "I love anything that gives free publicity," quipped Pope.

Other songs making it on to the shortlist include The Coronas’ Mark My Words, Delorentos’s Care For, Glen Hansard’s High Hope, Heathers’ Forget Me Knots; Gavin James’s Say Hello and The Script’s Hall of Fame.

Now in its second year, the Meteor Choice Music Prize Irish Song of the Year 2012 celebrates Ireland’s favourite home-grown song of the previous year. The overall winner will be announced at the Meteor Choice Music Prize live event on March 7th.

Who we spotted: Today FM's Paul McLoone; the Raw actor Tara Lee; Lisa Comerford of Meteor.