We recently hosted a North American tour group at the Tannery. After breakfast one morning, a woman asked if we had any adapters. She had tried locally and there were none to be had, so she was in a pickle.
I told her we didn’t have any American adapters. Clearly irked, she replied it was a Canadian one she was looking for anyway. It’s amazing how things can go pear-shaped. All of a sudden she was annoyed, and I was flustered. In fairness I totally understand, there’s enough ignorance around without me adding to it. I was made for the kitchen not the front of house. My life is full of Larry David moments like this.
That same morning, the radio was full of climate change doom. I always ask myself, am I doing enough? I’ve certainly improved over the years. Now I’m the one at home giving out about recycling. The youth in our house are prone to all talk and no action.
I’m also trying to eat less meat, so if anyone finds me gobbling a late-night burger, just move along and ignore me.
My recipes this week all feature meat in a supporting role. The steak salad is an equal combination of lovely things. I’m using Roquefort cheese for its addictive combination of pleasure and pain. Whoever put steak and Roquefort together was a genius, but I totally understand if it’s not your thing. Use another cheese.
The roasted summer greens is a frequent visitor to our house. I just love creamy polenta and I’m on a mission to make other people love it too. The charcuterie is a lucky dip of whatever you fancy. Its porky pungency is a joy with the other two elements.
This soup is a riff on soupe au pistou except it’s going south to Spain. The chicken butter is a brilliant tip, even if I say so myself. It can be spread on toast or put through pasta or mash. It’s not my idea, I’m afraid. I have to give my lovely head chef, Damien Derwin, all the credit for that one.
Recipe: Warm steak salad with shallots, petit pois and Roquefort

Recipe: Catalan red pepper soup, chicken butter toast

Recipe: Roasted summer greens, creamy polenta and charcuterie