Death of Business Post drinks columnist Tomás Clancy

The newspaper’s wine and spirits writer is remembered for his erudition and wit

Business Post drinks columnist Tomás Clancy. Photograph: Marc O’Sullivan

The Irish hospitality trade was saddened to learn that Business Post wine and spirit correspondent Tomás Clancy has died, following an illness.

Clancy was a born raconteur who wore his encyclopaedic knowledge lightly. He could effortlessly switch from discussing law (having been called to the bar), to rock music (having once been rock correspondent for In Dublin magazine), to the Galway Gaeltacht (where his family came from), to any other subject that took his interest. He entertained readers of the Business Post with his stories for many years. Listeners to Movies & Booze on Newstalk will remember his wine talks too.

I remember him once introducing a very modest wine by discussing the flora and fauna on German autobahns, earthquakes in Chile, impressionist art and hip hop, before eventually turning to the wine itself. He had a passion for wine and understood it is all about the story, the history, the culture, the food, as well as what is in the glass.

We in the wine and spirits trade will miss him arriving fashionably late to tastings, clad in his trademark black polo neck sweater and jacket, and watching him charm the entire room with his wit and knowledge. Most of all we will miss his gentle kindness and his wonderful company.


He was first and foremost a family man, devoted to his two sons, Tomás junior and James, his wife Claire, his father Professor Luke Clancy, late mother and two brothers, Luke and Neil.