Have your say: What is your experience of Australian immigration authorities?

Overstaying visa or invalid visas caused deportations from Australia

More than 630 Irish people were deported from Australia since early 2016

More than 630 Irish people were deported from Australia since early 2016 according to figures released by the Australian Department of Home Affairs.

Overstaying a visa, having a visa cancelled or invalid visas were the most common reasons for their deportation.

The Irish Times would like to hear readers who have emigrated or returned from Australia and their experience with the authorities there.

Have you run into visa problems in Australia, or do you know of someone who did? If so, what happened? What was the experience of the Australian immigration authorities like? Do you feel that the matter was treated fairly?


Are you living in Australia with proper visas? What do you think of the Irish who run into problems? Is there abuse, or a careless attitude taken, of Australia’s immigration laws by some Irish? Do you have sympathy for those who run into difficulties?

You can share your experiences and opinions (max 300 words) by using this form. A photograph is optional.

A selection of responses may be published on irishtimes.com.

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