Xerox printing firm IBS adds 90 jobs

Company founded by Jerry Carey aims to increase share of €150m market

Jerry Carey, managing director and founder of IBS, now part of the Xerox group. The company is adding 90 jobs. Photograph: Maura Hickey

Xerox-owned company Irish Business Systems (IBS) is adding 90 new jobs across its seven offices in Ireland. About 50 of the jobs will be created immediately in engineering, technical support, sales and marketing, with the remaining 40 jobs set to be added within the next 18 months.

Consolidated activities
Xerox Ireland bought IBS three years ago for €21 million and has consolidated the company's activities with its own to form the largest supplier of managed printing software and document management systems for offices in Ireland. IBS currently employs 300 people.

The print equipment sector is estimated to be worth about €150 million a year, and Jerry Carey, group managing director of IBS, said the company aimed to increase its market share by 5 per cent over the next two years as it seeks to capitalise on demand from large corporate clients as well as growth in the number of small and medium-sized enterprises investing in new print equipment.

These are "both very positive signs that confidence is returning to the business sector," he said. "Effective managed print solutions can generate savings for an organisation of between 20-40 per cent, which impacts directly on the bottom line."

Security issues
Software security issues will likely drive business too, as more organisations jettison the concept of office computers and turn to "bring your own device" workplace practices.

Minister of State for Public Service Reform Brian Hayes will formally announce the creation of the jobs at the company's offices in Cookstown in Dublin today.


IBS was founded in 1972 by Mr Carey, while Xerox Ireland began operating in Ireland in 1963. Now known as “IBS, a Xerox Company”, it has offices in Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Galway, Portlaoise, Derry and Limerick with clients across the corporate, SME and public sectors.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics