Feargal O’Rourke re-elected as managing partner of PwC Ireland

O’Rourke indicates accountancy firm will continue to invest heavily in technology

Feargal O’Rourke, managing partner of PwC Ireland, at the Above & Beyond Awards last night following the announcement of his re-election. Photograph: Maxwell Photography.ie

Feargal O'Rourke has been re-elected as managing partner of accountancy firm PwC Ireland by its members for another four years.

A partner of PwC since 1996 and managing partner since 2015, he is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accounts in Ireland, an associate of the Irish Tax Institute and a graduate of University College Dublin.


Mr O’Rourke said he was honoured to be unanimously re-elected to the post. Technology is “redefining” PwC, just as it is reshaping the world of business, he said following his re-election, indicating that the firm would continue to invest heavily in technology for the benefit of its clients.

PwC’s fee income, on an all-Ireland basis, was €446 million in 2017. In the Republic, it employs more than 2,800 people.