Alexander Mann to create 250 jobs in Belfast

Stormont Executive supports recruitment firm with £2m in funding for new services centre

Rosaleen Blair, the Irish-born founder of Alexander Mann Solutions and winner of the 2007 Veuve Clicquot Business woman award, said Northern Ireland was an ideal location. Photograph: Hugo Philpott/PA Wire.

An international business recruitment company is to create 250 jobs in a new service centre in Belfast.

London-based Alexander Mann Solutions is a provider of talent acquisition and management services for blue chip clients around the world. It already employs in excess of 2,200 people in more than 80 countries. The Stormont Executive is supporting the company's venture in Belfast with around £2 million in funding from Invest NI and the Department for Employment and Learning.

Rosaleen Blair, the Irish-born founder of Alexander Mann Solutions, said Northern Ireland was an ideal location.

“There is no doubting why Northern Ireland is the leading UK region for inward investment outside of London,” she said. “In particular, we were attracted to Belfast’s compelling combination of a highly educated and multilingual workforce, a cost-competitive infrastructure and a pro-business operating environment. We are confident that the city is the best strategic destination for the next stage of our global development, and we are delighted to be working with Invest NI to generate high-value jobs that boost the local economy.”


The announcement was made at Invest NI's headquarters in Belfast. Stormont's First Minister Peter Robinson, Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, Economy Minister Arlene Foster and Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry all welcomed the news. Mr Robinson said: "I am delighted to welcome another world-class company to Northern Ireland and to announce 250 new jobs in our important business services sector".

Mr McGuinness said the new centre would generate annual salaries of £6.1 million. “The business services sector is one of our fastest growing sectors in terms of employment and has been developed largely by inward investment by many major international investors,” he said. “Our support for inward investors does not stop once the initial investment is secured. The Executive will continue to work with Alexander Mann Solutions to ensure it makes best use of the wide range of support available and develop a mutually beneficial long-term partnership.”

Press Association