State urged to spend more on infrastructure

Ibec director Aviné McNally says Ireland could thrive as world leader in quality manufacturing

“A strong manufacturing sector hinges on a robust infrastructure network”

The State needs to spend an extra €10 billion on roads, ports and energy by 2020 to tap manufacturing’s full potential, Ibec director Aviné McNally said ahead of a conference today.

Ms McNally argued that with Government support and planning the Republic could thrive as a world leader in quality manufacturing, but she warned that it must get the business environment right.

“We must be competitive and better support cross-sectoral collaboration and ensure our workforce is up to the task. We also need to significantly invest in our national infrastructure.

“Infrastructure impacts on every part of manufacturing, from roads and ports to energy and broadband networks. A strong manufacturing sector hinges on a robust infrastructure network.”


As more than 82 per cent of manufacturing is based outside Dublin, Ibec believes that the Government needs to bridge gaps that have emerged between the capital and other parts of the State.

“Delays in investment create uncertainty and erode manufacturers’ ability to plan for the long-term. Ireland’s motorway network is far from complete, and better connectivity is needed for our major cities to each other.”

Ms McNally, director of Ibec's Irish Manufacturers' Association, emphasised that a new strategy was required to ensure complementary growth between Dublin and the cities of Waterford, Cork, Limerick and Galway.

Other speakers at the conference include the Minister for Jobs Mary Mitchell O'Connor, Intel Ireland general manager, Eamonn Sinnott  and PA Consulting head of manufacturing, Tim Lawrence

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O’Halloran covers energy, construction, insolvency, and gaming and betting, among other areas