EY Entrepreneur of the Year: 24 companies shortlisted

The finalists employ more than 5,000 people and generate annual revenues of €1.5bn

Partner lead for the programme Kevin McLoughlin, programme director Sean Duffy and judging panel chair Anne Heraty. Photograph: Maxwell’s

Twenty-four companies have been shortlisted across three categories for the 2015 EY Entrepreneur of the Year award.

The finalists were selected by a judging panel chaired by 2006 EY Entrepreneur of the Year, Cpl Resources chief executive Anne Heraty.

Representing the full spectrum of industries, the 24 finalists employ more than 5,000 people and generate annual revenues of €1.5 billion.

Kevin McLoughlin, partner lead for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year programme, said the programme continues to unearth companies that are “excelling on a remarkable scale”.


“It is particularly heartening to see the diversity within this year’s shortlist, including a number of strong female candidates and entrepreneurs under the age of 30,” he added.

Emerging category

The finalists in the emerging category are: Dave O’Flanagan of Boxever; Catherine O’Neill of Amelio Group; Darragh Richardson of Agile Networks; Ben Harris of Drop; Alan Coleman of Britebill; Morgan Browne of IIS Group; Brian Thornes of X-Bolt Orthopaedics; and Donald Fitzmaurice and Padraig McBride of Brandtone.

The finalists in the industry category are: Michael O’Dwyer of TyreCheck; Paul Young, Nora Twomey and Tomm Moore of Cartoon Saloon; Terry Knox of CD Group; Jack Dobson of Dunbia; Eoin Goulding of Integrity Solutions; Sean Brett of Steeltech Sheds; Michael Hoyne of Merlyn Industries; and Kenneth Greene of Greene Farm Foods.

The finalists in the international category are: Frank Madden of Crest Solutions; Graham Stubbs of Diona; Denise Tormey of PlanNet21; Sean O'Sullivan of SOSVentures; Alan Clarke of StatSports; Alyson Hogg of Vita Liberata; Ross Kelly & Conor Crowley of Vizor; and Patrick and John Collison of Stripe.

As part of EY Entrepreneur of the Year programme, the 24 finalists will join 100 entrepreneurs for a week-long CEO Retreat to Berlin and Munich in June. Focused on the future of industry, the CEO Retreat will include executive education with the European School of Management and Technology and site visits to companies including BMW.

The shortlisted entrepreneurs will vie for the title of EY Entrepreneur of the Year at an awards ceremony in Dublin in October. The overall winner will go on to represent Ireland at World Entrepreneur of the Year in Monaco in June 2016.