Karelian’s diamond hopes rise on test results

Rio Tinto says samples show potential

The mining company Karelian hopes to discover diamonds in Finland.

The Professor Richard Conroy-chaired Karelian hopes to discover diamonds in Finland after positive tests on samples collected from an area pinpointed by the Irish company.

Tests by Rio Tinto on samples from close to an area in Rihvaara, Finland, identified by Karelian Diamond Resources, found minerals indicating it potentially holds diamonds.

Karelian collected the samples from within 100 m of an area of kimberlite rock, which often contains diamonds, that the company found in Rihivaara.

Professor Conroy described the results as excellent. “As a result we remain confident that the hard work by both Rio Tinto and our team will lead to an important new discovery,” he said.


Karelian and Rio Tinto have an agreement relating to Rihivaara.