Just two shareholders to attend Greencoat Renewables agm

Government restrictions due to Covid-19 mean shareholders cannot attend in person

Greencoat Renewables starting the company’s first day of trading on the Irish Stock Exchange.

Dublin-listed energy investor Greencoat Renewables has said just two shareholders will be permitted to attend its annual general meeting (agm) this month due to the Government restrictions in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The company had indicated in March that its agm would be held at Davy House, 49 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, at 2pm on Friday, April 29th.

However, in a note to the Irish Stock Exchange on Monday, it pointed out that the Government and Health Services Executive have since announced further mandatory measures to reduce the transmission of Covid-19.

“These include requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited purposes; and stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public,” it said. “The board fully supports these measures to protect public health and safety.”


As a result, the agm will instead be convened at the offices of Greencoat Capital at 51A Dawson Street, Dublin, with the minimum necessary quorum of two shareholders present in order to conduct the business of the meeting.

All valid proxy votes on the proposed resolutions will be included in the voting and the results of the meeting will be announced, in the normal way, as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the agm.

The agm will be recorded and an audio cast of the meeting will be available for shareholders to listen to subsequently on the company website.

The company said it would continue to monitor developments in relation to the pandemic, including any regulatory changes.

“If it becomes necessary or appropriate to further revise the arrangements for the agm, further announcements will be made and information will be made available on our website,” it said.

The board added that the agm serves as a forum for shareholders to raise questions and comments on resolutions. Shareholders can submit such questions by email and “can be assured that all questions will receive a response prior to and/or at the meeting”.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter