TDs back local opposition to 671 unit housing scheme in Ranelagh

Jim O’Callaghan says 10-storey fast-track scheme ‘far too dense and unsustainable’

A CGi image of the proposed scheme. Source:

More than 165 objections have been lodged against plans to construct 671 apartments and duplex units in a “fast track” residential scheme at Milltown Park southeast of Ranelagh village.

The strategic housing development (SHD) scheme, by builders Ardstone, includes a 10-storey apartment block at Sandford Road, Dublin 6. In total, the apartments and duplex scheme is made up of 604 "build to rent" and 67 "build to sell" units across eight blocks.

Submissions to An Bord Pleanála have now closed and Dublin Bay South TDs, Ivana Bacik (Lab) and Jim O'Callaghan (FF) have lodged submissions in support of locals' opposition to the scheme.

Mr O’Callaghan told the appeals board the proposed development “is far too dense and unsustainable”. He said he supports residential development for the site but that the scale, density and height of the scheme “is excessive”.


The Fianna Fáil backbencher said “90 per cent of the units are being constructed on a build-to-let basis. This will not facilitate young families who wish to settle permanently in the area.”

In her submission, Ms Bacik said issues relating to the site are predicted to have a deleterious effect on the quality of life of residents.

‘Grave reservations’

She said she has “grave reservations about the dominance of build to rent in Ireland’s planning system”. Dublin Bay South TD Chris Andrews TD (SF) also voiced his opposition saying there is “no community gain” from “a highly unsuitable, unsustainable and inappropriate development”.

One of the community organisations to oppose the scheme, the Ranelagh Village Improvement Group, said: "It is not acceptable that this development should accentuate the social divide in housing provision in Dublin and create a ghetto of transients with no community life or identity."

It claims the development “will form a destructive precedent for future developments in the Ranelagh area”.

However, Patricia Thornton, consultant for Ardstone firm and applicants Sandford Living Ltd, says the subject site "is ideally suited to the provision of a residential development. . . and has been designed to accord with national and local level planning policy and will provide a high-quality living environment that provides opportunities for social interaction and integration". An Bord Pleanála is due to make a decision on the application in January.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times