UK property giant Hammerson has submitted further planning applications for its Dublin Central development as part of its proposed regeneration of Dublin’s north inner city.
The primary application comprises lands from number 43 to number 60 O’Connell Street Upper and includes a proposal for high-quality offices, retail and restaurant space as well as enabling works for a future MetroLink station. An additional application has been submitted in parallel for number 61 O’Connell Street Upper proposing retail and residential uses.
Earlier this year, Dublin City Council approved three separate planning applications for Hammerson’s Dublin Central development, including for a new hotel, homes, workspace, retail and cultural uses, as well as enhanced street connections and a substantial public square.
“These planning applications are integral to our vision for Dublin Central and complement the uses which have already been approved — new homes, hotel, retail spaces and improved streetscape.
“The development will bring significant economic and cultural benefits for the local and wider community, breathing new life into a unique area in Dublin which is important to our history,” said Hammerson development manager Ed Dobbs.
“We look forward to submitting further applications for the remainder of the site while we continue to work with all stakeholders.”
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Hammerson’s overall Dublin Central site covers 5.5 acres around O’Connell Street. It has almost 200m of continuous frontage on O’Connell Street Upper, bounded by Parnell Street to the north, Moore Street to the west and Henry Street to the south.

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The developer is proposing 97 new homes, 9,300sq m of restaurants, cafes and shops, 43,400sq m of workspace, up to 210 hotel rooms and a new public gallery and cafe.
This application from Hammerson, which is also part-owner of Dundrum Town Centre, includes a plan for a structural box below ground floor level, designed to accommodate the independent construction and operation of the planned O’Connell Street MetroLink Station by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII).
The planning application does not include any request for permission for railway works, the use of railway works or the operation of a railway. The MetroLink project is the subject of a separate application for a railway order made by TII.