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Life-enhancing scientists shine at Life Science Industry Awards 2024

Janssen Sciences Ireland win the coveted award for overall excellence in life sciences

Winners of the Life Science Industry Awards 2024

Life-saving and life-changing innovators from across Ireland’s advanced medtech sector had their praises sung at the Life Science Industry Awards 2024 last month.

Nearly 200 of the top brains in medical science celebrated their sector’s success at a gala awards evening at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Santry, hosted by comedian and podcaster Jarlath Regan.

The importance of the sector to Ireland’s health and economy cannot be understated. IDA Ireland says the foundation of Ireland’s life sciences industry was the small-molecule sector, which is still growing and developing. But the strongest growth is now in advanced therapeutics, such as mRNA, cell and gene technologies. Three-quarters of the medtech firms in Ireland are now carrying out research and development (R&D) here.

Ireland is home to nine of the world’s top 10 pharmaceutical companies, and to 14 of the world’s 15 biggest medical technology companies. More than 300 companies operate in Ireland, employing some 40,000 people. Medtech exports from Ireland are worth more than €13 billion a year, or 8 per cent of the country’s total exports, proving just how vital the sector is.


The Life Science Industry Awards, launched last year by forward-thinking events organiser Business River, showcase the diversity of skills within the sector. There are gongs for innovation, sustainability, engineering, digital transformation and operations, from the laboratory to the supply chain. And the awards don’t just recognise individual achievements but have categories for teams, companies of different sizes, strategic partnerships and health and safety.

This year’s winner of the overall excellence in life sciences award was Janssen Sciences Ireland. The firm also won the life sciences company of the year (large) award and the digital transformation award.

The judges’ citation said: “Janssen Sciences Ireland demonstrated a remarkable commitment to patient care, environmental sustainability, and innovation. Their large-scale expansion projects and the successful integration of digital transformation initiatives showcase their dedication to excellence and forethought in the life sciences sector. They have set the bar very high for next year and are the worthy winners of this prestigious trophy.”

Paul O’Hare is managing director of Ellab Ireland, platinum sponsor for the 2024 awards. He said: “Ellab is delighted to sponsor the Life Science Industry Awards. This year we’re celebrating our 75th anniversary in Ellab, so we understand the importance of innovation. By honouring excellence in life sciences, we support an industry crucial to the Irish economy, inspiring progress and acknowledging outstanding achievements in this vital field.”

The outstanding contribution award was handed to Marie Martin, technical product lead, vaccines and large molecules, at MSD, a company that aspires to be “the premier research-intensive biopharmaceutical company”.

The judges’ citation for this award read: “Throughout her career, our recipient has recognised the importance of people and their ability to grow and develop within organisations. She has worked with academia to develop courses that align with industry needs as well as being a strong advocate of diversity, equity and inclusion.

“Driving this mindset through the organisations that she has led, she has reduced the gender pay gap, ensured a 50:50 split at all bands within the organisation and driven a diversity of thought across the teams. In her current role she is providing strategic technical support to the large molecules and vaccines as well as driving commercialisation of the pipeline products.”

Unispace Life Sciences was another platinum sponsor. Roy Fahy, operations director, said: “This is always a night Unispace Life Sciences looks forward to as it allows us to celebrate both the successes of our clients and our own. As ongoing event sponsors, this is our opportunity to support and say thank you to everyone for their contribution to the industry. It is very much an occasion to recognise the innovation, dedication and hard work of all involved. We are proud to sponsor this important and enjoyable evening, and always appreciate the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our valued clients.”

Women were well represented in the awards, with one judging coordinator noting: “Female participation in leadership as at an all-time high and for successive years we are happy to recognise the outstanding contributions of such leaders.”

The women in life sciences award was handed to Dr Dara Meldrum, not just associate professor at the School of Medicine at Trinity College Dublin but also founder of Vertigenius, the head sensor medical device that helps patients with vertigo, imbalance and dizziness.

The judges said: “Dr Dara Meldrum showcased a stellar academic and professional career with a significant entrepreneurial spirit, leading an innovative project as a co-founder. Her leadership in leveraging technology to improve rehabilitation outcomes for vestibular patients highlights her positive influence and potential to inspire other women in science. A very deserving winner.”

Patrick Schoeman, chief commercial officer for Vertigenius, said: “We at Vertigenius are incredibly proud of Dr Dara Meldrum for receiving the woman in life sciences award for 2024, honouring her relentless dedication to revolutionising the treatment of vertigo and imbalance.”

There are no losers at the Life Science Industry Awards but there can be no winners without runners-up. Nelipak Laboratory Services was shortlisted in two categories, the laboratory excellence award and the life sciences team of the year. Mark Kelada, laboratory manager, said: “It was great to be nominated for two awards from this prestigious event which recognised the hard work we do for transportation, stability and sample testing. Networking with new companies was also a fantastic opportunity. I’m looking forward to attending next year.”

The judges had a tough time picking the winners for 2024, after a huge increase in the number of entries. Candidate companies ranged from the largest multinationals in the country to some very small start-ups in operation only a few years but already doing innovative work in life sciences.

Eamon Judge, former president of the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering Ireland Affiliate (ISPE), stepped up to be judging coordinator. He said: “As patrons of the 2024 Life Science Awards, ISPE have really been taken by the breadth of innovation and operational excellence demonstrated by all of the candidate organisations.

“From small indigenous start-ups, to state health institutes, to semi state R&D collaborations and finally to the large multinational sites, all are demonstrating a drive towards leveraging new technology to produce globally leading results. The excellence of their activities will accelerate life sciences solutions for patients and reinforce Ireland’s sectoral leadership position.”

Judge added: “Innovation is alive and well in small Irish companies and we are seeing the collaboration between commercial companies and state research institutions delivering great value.

“At a time when all are more conscious that we need to protect the world for future generations, the focus on sustainability as part of many companies’ operational excellence and leadership programs gives a clear roadmap for future improvement.”

And Judge made clear the impact the firms had was huge. “Products developed by the indigenous Irish life sciences sector are being adopted globally and are bringing great hope to patients. Almost all candidate organisations in the awards are leveraging digital transformation to accelerate the delivery of life science solutions at lower cost to the end consumer.”

Kevin O’Driscoll, director of partnership programmes at award organiser Business River, said: “Events like this are made possible through the support of sponsors. We are thankful to our 2024 sponsors and professional partners, which include ISPE Ireland Affiliate, Unispace Life Sciences, Ellab, Controlled Environments Company and Cundall. Their investment in the awards underlines their commitment and support of this key business area.”

Full list of judges

  • Eamon Judge (judging coordinator), retired executive director, Eli Lilly and Company; biopharma consultant; INED (Prof Diploma in Corp Gov)
  • Ruth Callanan, quality systems director, Medtronic
  • John Crumlish, laboratory manager, Beaumont Hospital
  • Siobhán Dean, deputy director, BioPharmaChem Ireland
  • Cepta Duffy PhD, manager – high profile start-ups, Enterprise Ireland
  • Adrienne Fleming PhD, senior lecturer, TU Dublin
  • Catherine Giblin, self-employed
  • Darren Grant, managing director, Enhanced Information Solutions
  • Neil Kerrigan, head – collaborative research, Enterprise Ireland
  • Steve Kerrigan, professor of precision therapeutics, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Anita Maguire, professor of pharmaceutical chemistry, University College Cork
  • Matt Moran, independent consultant
  • John O’Brien, head of laboratory operations, RCSI
  • Donal O’Callaghan, consultant, Engineers Ireland; retired managing director, Eng Consulting, Callaghan Partnership
  • Deaglan O’Donaill, strategy and transformation manager, ESB
  • Dr Olivia O’Leary, senior lecturer principal investigator, Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, University College Cork
  • Denis Ring, lecturer, Department of Process & Chemical Engineering – University College Cork
  • Brian Thornes, founder and chief executive, X-Bolt Orthopedics

Full list of winners

Overall excellence in life sciences (Sponsored by Unispace Life Sciences)

Winner: Janssen Sciences Ireland

Roy Fahy, operations director at Unispace Life Sciences, presents the overall excellence in life sciences award to Janssen Sciences Ireland team

Outstanding contribution award

Recipient: Marie Martin

Philip Gammell, president of ISPE Ireland Affiliate, presents the outstanding contribution award to Marie Martin, MSD

Women in life sciences award

Winner: Vertigenius – Dr Dara Meldrum

Rory Kelly, senior validation engineer at Ellab, presents the women in life sciences award to Dr Dara Meldrum, Vertigenius

Life sciences team of the year (Sponsored by Ellab)

Winner: Pfizer Smart Factory Technology

Peter Keane, technical director at Ellab Ireland, presents the life sciences team of the year award to Ronan Kelly and Abdullah Ahmed, Pfizer Smart Factory Technology

Life sciences company of the year – large (Sponsored by Ellab)

Winner: Janssen Sciences Ireland

Paul O'Hare, managing director at Ellab Ireland, presents the life sciences company of the year – large award to Janssen Sciences Ireland team

Life sciences company of the year – medium (Sponsored by Unispace Life Sciences)

Winner: Arrotek Medical

Roy Fahy, operations director at Unispace Life Sciences, presents the life sciences company of the year – medium award to Ronan Scott, Arrotek Medical

Life sciences company of the year – small

Winner: Neurovalens

Adrienne Fleming, awards judge, presents the life sciences company of the year – small award to Sinead Watson, Neurovalens

Innovation of the year

Winner: Deciphex – AI based Colorectal Screening

Adrienne Fleming, awards judge, presents the innovation of the year award to Deciphex team

Best strategic partnership

Winner: PTC Therapeutics – An Exceptional Supply Chain Partnership

David Feighery, associate at Cundall, presents the best strategic partnership award to Austin Peavoy and Gabrielle White, PTC Therapeutics

Sustainability award (Sponsored by Cundall)

Winner: Astellas (Kerry Plant)

Derry Kearney, partner at Cundall, presents the sustainability award to Astellas (Kerry Plant) team

Best engineering project/facility

Winner: WuXi Biologics Ireland

William Dolan, director at Cundall, presents the best engineering project/facility award to Ciaran Gartlan and Bartosz Nowak, WuXi Biologics Ireland

Operational excellence award

Winner: Merck

Michael Brennan, sales executive at Controlled Environments Company, presents the operational excellence award to David Iroaganachi, Merck

Digital transformation award

Winner: Janssen Sciences Ireland

Ben Molloy, entries lead at Business River, presents the digital transformation award to Shruti Poojary and Lindsay O'Neill, Janssen Sciences Ireland

Product impact award

Winner: Deciphex – Diagnexia

Ben Molloy, entries lead at BusinessRiver, presents the product impact award to John Weldon, Deciphex

Excellence in health & safety (Sponsored by Controlled Environments Company)

Winner: Astellas Ireland Kerry Plant

Tom O'Brien, business manager at Controlled Environments Company, presents the excellence in health & safety award to Astellas Ireland Kerry Plant team

Supply chain achievement award

Winner: APC & VLE Therapeutics

Tom O'Brien, business manager at Controlled Environments Company, presents the supply chain achievement award to Teresa Clancy, APC & VLE Therapeutics

Laboratory excellence award (Sponsored by Unispace Life Sciences)

Winner: Vision 1 Laboratory Teagasc

Roy Fahy, operations director at Unispace Life Sciences, presents the laboratory excellence award to Ben Molloy of Business River on behalf of Vision 1 Laboratory Teagasc