The Irish Times view on the National Planning Framework: inertia is inexcusable
This Government is staring at the vista of its own abject failure to deliver on its single biggest promise
This Government is staring at the vista of its own abject failure to deliver on its single biggest promise
As ordinary people continue to bear the brunt of the State’s dire housing shortage, we examine the reasons for the crisis and look at possible solutions
Allowing rent resets when a home becomes vacant, along with greater opportunities for maintenance and improvements to be recouped, represents the best way to resolve issues in the rental market
Economist Niall Conroy says ‘big step change’ needed to double number of homes being delivered
Ministers expected on Monday to discuss creation of ‘clearing office’ with aim to clear blockages in system and co-ordinate homebuilding and servicing of zoned lands
Government response to housing debate ‘could have been written by ChatGPT’, Labour claims
New form of rent control under consideration for entire country
Shares in Ireland’s biggest private landlord rose almost 3% on Monday following Taoiseach’s comments about rent pressure zones
Four things need to happen to fix the housing crisis
If we want less strain on the capacity of the country we should limit immigration
Experts say Government’s new-build targets ‘made in a vacuum’ and warn ‘clear direction in policy for 10 years’ is needed to solve crisis
High costs, high borrowings, high risk, high exposure: it’s all very 2006
The road ahead is clear enough – use the funds coming from strong corporate and income taxes to invest in housing and infrastructure - but delivery remains the key issue
The next government must accept that a new approach is needed if housing really is to be a priority
A string of mistakes made over decades has left a whole generation of people out in the cold. Housing could once again become the issue of the election
Small terraced houses would be more affordable for one- and two-person households, but builders prefer to construct apartments or semi-detached homes because of higher profit margins
The Coalition did not want to set targets it could not meet within the duration of the current Government – although Ministers would likely contest this
When prices in Ireland began to surge in the 2000s, we looked to the German housing market as a more stable, affordable exemplar. Not any more
Builders, frustrated by the wait and by politicians failure to fully understand demand for housing, say the absence of new targets has real consequences
Big foreign investors are putting projects on hold because they are losing faith in Ireland’s ability to deliver. We need to do something - but what?
In 12 of the 16 areas tracked there were no properties available to rent within standard or discretionary Hap limits
The arrival of a new government will have little impact on the supply of housing or on its affordability
Idea that local authorities can deliver housing faster than building contractors is daft ideological posturing
Housing Delivery Oversight Executive recommended by Housing Commission would exist for five years and have the power to tackle barriers to housing supply
There are numerous estimates of how many homes Ireland has to build. But which one is right?
The extent to which plans in areas such as health, education and transport have been future-proofed against the growth in population is unknown
Targets will require extensive additional investment by State and access to foreign funding, but rent controls pose a problem
Successive ministers in the department have failed utterly to appreciate this fact
Taoiseach says ‘further measures’ being planned to prevent multiple unit sales
An examination of the recommendations in the divisive report that are likely to be accepted and rejected
It was a bit rich for Mary Lou McDonald to complain about rent supports when her party had often called for spending to be increased, he said
McDonald says €10 billion given to private landlords since Fine Gael entered Government in 2011
Leaked commission report recommends executive body to direct housing delivery, but Minister does not want ‘additional layers’
Leaked document highly critical of Ireland’s housing market, sharpening focus on issue ahead of elections
Commission calls for ‘radical strategic reset of housing policy’ as Sinn Féin says leaked findings are ‘damning indictment’ of Government
‘Decades of neglect’ have created shortfalls in infrastructure delivery that must be addressed
Amending the Constitution would not fix our broken housing system, but it could establish a basic floor of protection
Concerns emerge over whether failure to make good on provision could be challenged in courts
Nobody is going to be suing the State for not providing them with a nice house. But there are bigger issues with the housing rights referendum
Draft versions of report for Government understood to propose constitutional right to housing, with commission expected to issue main and minority reports
Visitors can indulge their Normal People college-life fantasies as city centre student housing opens for summer bookings at competitive rates – by Dublin standards at least
Ministerial support is being sought for a plan to convert offices into housing. But how practical is it?
Seen & Heard: Regulator’s warning; Michael O’Leary’s big payday; and the Rotunda’s Clerys Quarter move
Dispute could lead to water outages and derail Government plans to establish Uisce Éireann as a stand-alone utility
Michael O’Flynn says the properties should not have been designated as liable for taxation
Completions expected to flatline this year after jumping in 2022
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar says there is ‘a way to go yet’ on referendum with the wording still outstanding
Lisa and her three children cannot find a home to move to, while Helen plans to live in her car when she is evicted next month
Ireland facing a skills shortfall of up to 59% over next four years, say chartered surveyors
Darragh O’Brien said there is a ‘big challenge’ with regard to new arrivals
It has taken industry a decade to build at a rate that is even close to demand
CSO figures point to big uptick in residential construction despite higher costs
Unpublished research shows State requires almost double current Government annual target for new builds
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people
How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands
Weddings, Births, Deaths and other family notices