USI calls for 'urgent action' on climate change

Kenny criticised over COP21 comments as students move to end university investment in fossil fuel companies

The Fossil Free TCD group has started a campaign  pressuring the university to freeze new investments in fossil-fuel companies, and to divest within five years.
The Fossil Free TCD group has started a campaign pressuring the university to freeze new investments in fossil-fuel companies, and to divest within five years.

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has criticised Taoiseach Enda Kenny over a lack of action on climate change and has called on the Government to “prioritise this issue urgently.”

The USI said that “the planet cannot wait over five years for Ireland to commit to European climate change targets” following comments by the Taoiseach that such targets could not be met until after 2020 due to current financial challenges.

Speaking last week at the World Climate Change Conference 2015, Mr Kenny said targets issued by the European Commission to reduce emissions from agriculture by 20 per cent by 2020 were “unrealistic” and that the Commission “overestimated” the contribution of the agri-food sector.”

However, the USI said that urgent action is required to address the “climate chaos” faced by Europe.


“The planet is in a state of climate chaos. The Government’s commitment to addressing climate change is far slower than the rapid pace the climate is changing. The planet cannot wait five years for us to make these changes and commit to meeting the targets set out by the EU,” Kevin Donoghue, Union of Students in Ireland President said.

Mr Donoghue went on to say that, “while the agri-food sector in Ireland contributes €24 billion to the national economy, agriculture is the biggest contributor to Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions, currently accounting for more than 30 per cent of the total.”

Ireland has the highest proportion of emissions of any EU member state from this sector, according to the USI, with emissions expected to increase by 2 per cent in 2020 amid Government plans to increase food production.

Despite Mr Kenny calling for Ireland to be treated as a special case because Ireland produces food more sustainably than other countries, Mr.Donoghue said that there will be “long-term, irreversible consequences” if this issue is not addressed immediately.

“A country that puts economy so far ahead of the environment has warped priorities. We appreciate that the Taoiseach wants to protect the country and guide it through the recession but if he doesn’t bite the bullet and address climate change now there will be long term irreversible consequences that will have a ripple effect of damage for generations to come,” he commented.

“It cannot be a battle between the economy and the environment. Ireland cannot possibly have a bright future with a climate in chaos,” he continued.

He also said that “The frustration felt in the Irish people at the government’s postponed commitment is echoed among students,” with groups coming together across the country to protest against climate change.

A campaign group established in Trinity College called ‘TCD Fossil Free’ has started a petition calling on the college, the University of Dublin and its subsidiaries to freeze new investment in fossil fuel companies, and to divest within five years from direct ownership and from any combined funds that include fossil-fuel public equities and corporate bonds.

Two weeks ago Queen’s University senate in Belfast was also blocked by a number of fossil free campaigners.

Students and academics occupied the senate room at Queen’s university to protest against the institution’s refusal to quit investing in companies linked to fossil fuels.