DCU deportation protest, Michael Moore takes on Trump

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Members of DCU’s students’ union campaign to prevent the deportation of student Shepherd Machaya.

Students at Dublin City University are campaigning to prevent the deportation of a scholarship student who is mid-way through his college degree. Shepherd Machaya, originally from Zimbabwe, has been living in the direct provision for several years and obtained a place at DCU under its "university of sanctuary" programme. Carl O'Brien reports.

Maynooth University has announced a partnership with a major Chinese university which will see 1,200 Chinese science and engineering students graduate with its qualifications over the coming years. Read more here.

"It's the middle of the London Film Festival and Michael Moore is a little dampened. I mean that literally. It's been lashing for a few days and he's had just about enough. That surprises me. The stalwart documentarian was famously raised in the blue-collar city of Flint, Michigan. " Donald Clarke reports from the London Film Festival.

From Borat to O Brother, Where Art Thou?: The presidential candidates' cultural lives: Shilpa Ganatra asked Peter Casey, Gavin Duffy, Joan Freeman, Seán Gallagher, Michael D Higgins and Liadh Ní Riada for their cultural picks.Read more here.


Dublin City University is examining disciplinary action against students on foot of "nude acts" which took place during a meeting of the college's accounting and finance society, writes Carl O'Brien.

Science and engineering graduates with an interest in the Irish whiskey industry have until the end of the month to apply for two places on a specialised two-year graduate programme. Éanna Ó Caollaí reports.

Despite having been shortlisted for what was then the prestigious Orange Prize for women's fiction in 2002 for her debut, No Bones, Anna Burns is a relatively unknown Irish writer. That looks certain to change following her Booker win. Martin Doyle reports.

Hello, my name is Bobbie Hickey. I am 19. I've lived in Dublin all my life and I have just started college after doing a PLC (post-Leaving Cert course) for a year. Read more here.

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Iriseoir agus Eagarthóir Gaeilge An Irish Times. Éanna Ó Caollaí is The Irish Times' Irish Language Editor, editor of The Irish Times Student Hub, and Education Supplements editor.